Friday, May 25, 2012


This forum is a place for dual credit students and the instructor to publish any and all of the awesome things, ideas, experiences, observations, you-name-it that can be considered awesome. 

Maybe a definition of the word awesome will help us decide what topics should be posted.  Here's what the Merriam-Webster online dictionary says awesome is:  "expressing awe....inspiring awe."  This definition is not so helpful . What about a definition of the word awe?  Here's what the online dictionary says about awe:  "an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime."  A list of synonyms might also help us decide what to include in this blog.  The same online source lists these synonyms of awesome"amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvelous, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, sublime, surprising, wonderful, wondrous."   Now, we're getting somewhere. 

Take time to consider the awesomeness of your day and share.

Keep these guidelines in mind when posting:
  1. In order to receive extra credit for posting, please be sure to write at least 150 words
  2. You must include your full name at the end of the comment.
  3. You may also include links to other sites.  Be sure that these sites are accessible from student computers.
  4. You may also include photographs.  Please give credit to the source.
  5. You may include a video.  Please give credit.